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Lic. #768702-A                                                                          California Certified - DBE #34994 - SMBE - SWBE  


Casa / Stenner / Murray Water Line Replacement

The City of San Luis Obispo underwent a $1.6 Million water main replacement project in 2019/2020, through Casa, Murry, and Stenner streets.  Work scope included replacing the main water service to Sierra Vista Hospital while maintaining active service, a 20" steel casing crossing Caltrans Highway 1 (Santa Rosa Rd.), and new services to all residential and commercial properties within project limits.     

S. Chaves Construction was onsite to get the job done!


Dolan Fire Emergency Drainage Repairs

In late 2020, the Dolan fire ravaged California's coastal lands, just south of Big Sur.  When Caltrans needed assistance to make repairs, S. Chaves answered the Call.


Caltrans Emeregency Storm Repairs - Big Sur, Highway 1

January 2021 brought a sizable storm to the California Coast, causing damage that made headlines across the entire country.  Having successfully completed Dolan Fire repairs, Caltrans asked for our assistance again.  This time to clean up after the massive storm.


Caltrans Emeregency Drainage Projects

Caltrans upgraded multiple drainage facilities throughout Santa Barbara County.  This project covered sites from Lompoc to Gaviota, along-side Highway 1 and Highway 101.


San Luis Obispo High School Pool, Annex and Student Servics Bulidings

San Luis Coastal Unified School District undertook massive changes to SLO High School.  We were there for all of it.  S. Chaves Construction performed mass grading,  swimming pool excavation, new storm drain systems, sewer systems, building pad construction, sidewalk and baserock grading, asphalt paving of the new bus circle, and final grade for the new sports fields.


© 2021 by S. Chaves Construction, Inc.

11545 Los Osos Valley Rd.

Suite C-3

San Luis Obispo, CA 93405

Tel:      805-543-9340

Fax:     805-543-9341

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